Industry & Art: Daniel Kyncl wins the ‘Accolade Mural Art’ competition in Brno

In October last year, we announced a competition for the best design of a painting on the casing of a sprinkler house in an industrial park near Brno airport. In the first round, a seven-member jury, headed by the well-known street artist ChemiS, selected 10 finalists from 39 entries. In the second and final round, Daniel Kyncl won with his art proposal. He will receive a prize of CZK 30,000 and will have the opportunity to participate in the realization of the painting together with ChemiS.

Industry & Art: Daniel Kyncl wins the ‘Accolade Mural Art’ competition in Brno

Last year we decided to support young creative artists. That’s why we announced a competition for the best mural design on one of the sprinkler houses (a firefighting water tank) in the industrial area near the Brno airport. Individuals and groups were invited to apply.

"I hadn’t known the Accolade Industrial Art project, but as soon as I read the call for entries, I immediately decided to take part in the competition. I created a design called 'FULL' which is quite literally full of objects, animals, and monsters. It combines both images that are obvious at first glance, but also encourages you to search. A big plus is that the sprinkler house has a circular floor plan, which means that the resulting painting will be in essence infinite. I'm looking forward to its realisation," said the winner of the competition, Daniel Kyncl.

Choosing the winning project from the 10 finalists was very difficult. All designs that made it to the final round were characterised by their originality and high quality. However, the winner's work stood out among all of them for its playfulness, colourfulness, and understanding of the values Accolade stands for.

"Daniel submitted a very good design, the jury was impressed by his diverse use of symbols and his optimism. His 'doodle' style has a head and a heel, even though at first glance it may look like chaos. It will certainly make anyone walking around the building to look for all the elements hidden in the painting," thejury chairman, mentor, consultant and street artist ChemiS, who has already painted many murals, commented on the selection of the winner. ChemiS’ popular works include the painting of a crying President Masaryk and The Pilgrimage of Jesus Christ through the Prague Metro.

We strive to make industrial parks environmentally considerate, but we also want them to evoke friendly atmosphere. With the Accolade Industrial Art project, we bring to the parks something as unique as art while supporting talented artists.

"I'm thrilled that so many promising artists got involved in the project. In addition to their imaginative works, the artists also skilfully articulated their strategy to fulfil the brief. It was extremely valuable to see, through their work, what matters to our society. I was delighted that the winner was a design that was also among my favourites. I truly enjoy the variety and playfulness of the winning artist’s work," said Dana Kryńska, Marketing and PR Manager at Accolade, commenting on the competition, adding, "We will continue with the Accolade Industrial Art project not only in Poland and the Czech Republic but in other locations as well."

This is not the first time Accolade supported industry and art. As part of the long-term Accolade Industrial Art project, we have connected artists and industrial parks in Poland through a mural art piece in Bialystok on the industrial park wall and in Zielona Góra on a sprinkler house.

The Brno sprinkler house has a cylindrical shape which is more than 7 metres high and 37 metres wide. The interested artists were invited to enter the competition through to the middle of January this year.

Take a look at the TOP 10 designs of the art competition in Brno -

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