Poland was and still is the right choice!

▪️ 7 years
▪️ 26 parks
▪️ 1.5 million m²
▪️ the largest completed project in Szczecin
▪️ over a billion EUR invested and another half a billion or so planned
This list eloquently sums up our track record in one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. Our activity in Poland has become one of the cornerstones of our business over the years and we have recently reaffirmed our position in the fifth most populous country in the European Union with the completion of our largest Polish park to date. The park is situated in Szczecin, in the north west of the country, and also the location of our entry into the Polish market in 2015 and where we started construction on a brownfield site, our first in Poland. With a total lettable area of 230,000 m² and more than 46 hectares of revitalised land from the former Szczecin Zalom brownfield site, it ranks second overall in our European portfolio, just behind our site in the Czech town of Cheb. Over time, AUTODOC, DHL and the Scandinavian brands Pierce, Cotes, Change Lingerie, and Svendsen Sport have found a new home in the Zalom area.
"Seven years ago we were able to foresee the potential of this city and Poland as a whole. The high demand for warehouse space throughout the region then kick-started our subsequent projects in other Polish cities and today we are the market leaders here," said Lukáš Répal, COO of the Group.
You can read more about our activities in Poland and elsewhere in the following article from @iDnes. ⬇️