What is the current state of the German economy?

This question, with an emphasis on the activities of Czech companies, was discussed in detail in an article by Hospodářské noviny. In particular, they looked at the consequences of the energy crisis, which, given the industrial focus of Central Europe's largest country, has noticeably impacted even prominent names among the sector’s giants.
We are glad that, along with other major players on the German market, we have something to say on this subject. Accolade operates in Germany at Alsdorf, which boasts a uniquely strategic location in the west of the country. Our portfolio also includes premises in the most important industrial area of the Rhineland, at Bochum, where the Group has invested in a park that also has space for light manufacturing and a research and development centre.
The opinion of Milan Kratina, Accolade’s CEO, is clear: he doesn't subscribe to dark thoughts about the deindustrialization of Germany. In his view, while some energy-intensive production may move overseas in the short term, this will only be a temporary effect.
Read the full article at the following link: https://bit.ly/3GmjqJE