World Wetlands Day

It is the 2nd of February, 1971, and a convention has just been signed in Ramsar, Iran, establishing a framework for the worldwide protection and sustainable use of all types of wetlands. At the urging of the United Nations, the signing date has been recognised as World Wetlands Day since 1997.
So today is a big day for Accolade too! It is an opportunity to recall how vital wetlands are to humanity and the planet. Simply put - their importance to the entire ecosystem is immeasurable! In addition to retaining water in the landscape, wetlands can cool the air through the evaporation process, returning smaller quantities of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
As part of our ESG strategy, we actively advocate for their maintenance and for social education about them. Last May, for example, our colleagues travelled to the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands to lend a hand and deepen their knowledge about the protection of this important area.
So happy Wetlands Day from all of us!