It's World Bee Day!
But it's also the season of honey bottling, by the way. Beekeepers know. Several global celebrities have thrown themselves into saving bee colonies because, like us, they see their critical importance to the planet. Some of them are Morgan Freeman, Kelly Clarkson and Zain Malik.

Let's share a few facts you may not know about bees & honey:
Bees are also able to learn to add and subtract.
In Europe, 84% of plant species and 76% of food production depend on bees for pollination. The economic contribution of bees in the European Union is estimated at €14.2 billion per year.
To collect 1 kg of honey, bees fly a distance equal to 4 times around the earth.
Already in antiquity, the healing effects of honey were known, in the so-called Ebers Papyrus from around 1500 B.C. There are instructions for the preparation of medicines, honey was also found in the tombs of the pharaohs and was also used as one of the ingredients in embalming preparations.
Albert Einstein said: 'If bees disappeared on earth, humans would have only 4 years to live.'
At Accolade, we care about investing responsibly in the immediate surroundings of our parks. We are aware that we are always part of the landscape and habitats of our parks, which is why we have hives in our parks. That is why there are already 11 sites with beehives in the Czech Republic and Poland, and the number will surely increase.