Únase a nosotros para dar forma al futuro de las empresas europeas

Intro 1

No es solo trabajar. Nos preocupamos por el desarrollo del talento y el desarrollo profesional.
Premiamos el trabajo duro y recompensamos el éxito.

apoyamos el desarrollo de los empleados
nos preocupa el equilibrio entre vida y trabajo

¿Por qué Accolade?

Nuestra gente es lo más valioso que tenemos. Creamos un entorno de trabajo saludable con una amplia gama de beneficios. Deseamos que sean felices en el trabajo y que se sienten motivados cada día.


Disponer de tiempo suficiente para un descanso de calidad también es importante para la satisfacción laboral. Lo sabemos bien, por eso tienes una semana más de vacaciones con nosotros.

5 semanas de vacaciones

Si no te sientes bien, puedes tomarte un día por enfermedad dos veces al año y descansar.

2 días de baja

A través de los vales electrónicos contribuimos a un buen almuerzo.


No solo pensamos en la educación, sino también en la comodidad de nuestros empleados. Tenemos una sala de relajación en nuestras oficinas para desconectar, cultivamos hierbas en nuestras terrazas y organizamos cenas juntos para discutir no solo asuntos de trabajo.


Hoy no se puede prescindir de un teléfono móvil, por eso lo damos con la tarifa de la empresa también para fines privados.

teléfono móvil y tarifa

Promovemos un estilo de vida saludable y organizamos actividades destinadas a mantener la forma física y mental, como masajes y jornadas deportivas. Una tarjeta polideportiva subvencionada es algo natural de tener. En nuestra cocina siempre habrá algo bueno y saludable para reponer energías.

salud y deporte

Promovemos la conciliación de la vida laboral y personal y creamos un entorno que permite horarios de trabajo flexibles.

equilibrio de trabajo y vida

Sabemos que una empresa solo puede crecer con sus empleados, por lo que apoyamos plenamente su desarrollo. Organizamos periódicamente cursos de formación centrados en las tecnologías de la información, las nuevas leyes de la construcción, la gestión del tiempo, la etiqueta empresarial y otros tipos de formación en habilidades blandas. Al mismo tiempo, ofrecemos cursos de idiomas totalmente financiados.

únete a nuestro equipo
más de 70 profesionales

Encuentre su puesto ideal en Accolade

Office/Operations Director

Prague, Chequia

Would you like to work in a fast-growing company where you can broaden your horizons every day? In an investment group that invests industrial parks in Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Spain, Croatia and other European countries? In a company that takes the green approach seriously? Where do you get the opportunity to show your inner talents? 

For the role of Operations/Office Director, we are looking for a smart and talented individual, who is eager to manage the office operations and its teams and oversee the offices across Europe where we have our branches.

If you want to learn more about this position, then read on!


What you will be part of your role?

  • Strategic Planning and Implementation:
    • Develop and implement strategic initiatives to enhance office operations and administrative efficiency.
    • Align office management strategies with the company’s long-term goals and objectives.
  • Leadership and Development:
    • Lead, mentor, and develop the administrative and support staff, fostering a culture of high performance and continuous improvement.
    • Implement training and professional development programs for the administrative team.
  • Financial Oversight:
    • Oversee the office management budget, ensuring cost-effective allocation of resources.
    • Conduct financial analysis and reporting related to office management expenses.
  • Advanced Project Management:
    • Lead high-impact projects such as office expansions, major renovations, and company-wide administrative initiatives.
    • Drive the adoption of innovative administrative solutions and technologies.
  • Policy Development and Compliance:
    • Develop and enforce advanced office policies and procedures to enhance operational efficiency.
    • Ensure compliance with all relevant regulations, including health and safety, data protection, and environmental standards.
  • Vendor and Contract Management:
    • Negotiate and manage contracts with key vendors and service providers.
    • Evaluate vendor performance and ensure the delivery of high-quality services.
  • Facilities Strategy:
    • Develop a long-term strategy for office facilities management, including space optimization and future expansion plans.
    • Ensure that office environments across all locations are at same level.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration:
    • Act as the primary liaison between office management and company leadership.
    • Collaborate with department heads to identify and address operational needs.
  • Risk Management:
    • Identify potential risks related to office operations and develop mitigation strategies.
    • Ensure robust business continuity plans are in place for office operations.
  • Sustainability and ESG Initiatives:
    • Lead sustainability initiatives in line with the company’s ESG strategy.
    • Implement projects focused on reducing the company’s environmental footprint and promoting sustainable practices.


What skills and experience should you have?

  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Responsible approach to tasks.
  • Passion for Operations and Office Management topics.
  • Perfect time management and organizational skills.
  • Proactive, driven and solution-oriented approach.
  • Experience in leading an admin team.
  • Ability to learn and work independently in an efficient way.
  • English on a professional level.
  • Ability to create efficient administrative processes within the admin team as well as the entire office.
  • Ability to analyse and synthesize information in an executive-friendly form.


What can we offer you in return?

  • Interesting international projects, where you will be in direct contact with business people.
  • Stable job and responsibility for your agenda, and thanks to the dynamic environment and strong leadership, you will be able to advance and develop both professionally and personally.
  • We offer language courses, training in soft skills and hard skills, and the opportunity to attend various conferences.
  • Work in a friendly team. Our company culture is open, and everyone is on a first-name basis from day one. Throughout the year, we organize various company events and team-building activities to get to know each other better.
  • You will also have 25 days of vacation, 2 sick days, and the possibility of working from home.
  • For your work, you will receive a laptop and a mobile phone with a selected phone plan.
  • We also provide a meal voucher card worth 120 CZK for each working day.
  • If you want to relax during the workday, we have a masseur available, or you can play ping pong or table football with colleagues.
  • For athletes, we also offer a Multisport card.
Me interesa el puesto

Junior Executive Assistant

Prague, Chequia

Jsme investiční společnost, která investuje do výstavby moderních industriálních parků, které jsou domovem pro světové značky z oblasti e-commerce, automotive a production 📈 Skupina Accolade vytváří nové obzory nejen v oblasti Real Estate, ale také v udržitelnosti k životnímu prostředí. 🌱 Naše portfolio již zahrnuje moderní industriální parky v klíčových oblastech v České republice, Polsku, Německu, Nizozemí, na Slovensku, ve Španělsku a Chorvatsku. 🌏

Aktuálně hledáme kolegu/yni na pozici Executive Assistant, který/á se stane podporou pro našeho CEO a COO. Zajímá tě tato pozice? Dej nám o sobě vědět a rádi se s tebou potkáme!


Jaká bude tvoje role?

  • Podpora CEO a COO: správa kalendáře, organizace externích i interních schůzek (rezervace místnosti, příprava podkladů apod.), účast na poradách vedení, zápisy z jednání, podpora při přípravě a realizaci strategických projektů.
  • Zajišťování služebních cest pro kolegy: schválení cesty, objednání ubytování, zajištění dopravy nebo půjčení auta.
  • Práce s dokumenty a administrativa: zajištění podpisů, tisk a skenování dokumentů a jejich archivace, správa datové schránky, pošta, administrace faktur.
  • Příprava materiálů pro vedení: prezentace, reporty a jiné dokumenty.
  • Komunikace se zahraničními pobočkami a externími partnery.
  • Organizace a koordinace akcí: ve spolupráci s dalšími zapojenými týmy zajišťování účasti na externích akcích, organizace interních teambuildingů.
  • Správa a aktualizace interních databází a systémů.
  • Spolupráce s dalšími týmy: HR, Office management, účetní oddělení, IT, ostatní asistentky.
  • Řešení ad hoc úkolů a projektů dle potřeb vedení společnosti


Jaké zkušenosti a dovednosti bys měl/a mít?

  • Máš zkušenost na obdobné pozici,
  • Dokážeš pracovat samostatně a zodpovědně.
  • Umíš si stanovit priority a dotáhnout věci do konce.
  • Máš výborné organizační dovednostitime management.
  • Jsi proaktivníumíš komunikovat s lidmi.
  • Umíš pracovat s nástroji MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams).
  • Angličtinu zvládáš na pokročilé úrovni ústně i písemně.


Co ti můžeme nabídnout?

  • Získáš stabilní práci a zodpovědnost za svou agendu a díky dynamickému prostředí a silnému leadershipu se budeš moci posouvat a rozvíjet profesně i osobně dál. 
  • Nabízíme jazykové kurzy, školení na soft skills i hard skills.
  • Pracovat budeš v příjemném kolektivu. Naše firemní kultura je přátelská a od prvního dne si všichni tykáme. V rámci roku pak pořádáme různé firemní akce a teambuildingy, abychom se navzájem lépe poznali.
  • K dispozici budeš mít také 25 dní dovolené a 2 sick days.
  • Pro práci dostaneš také laptop a mobilní telefon s vybraným tarifem.
  • Aby sis mohl/a dojít během dne na oběd, poskytujeme také stravenkovou kartu v hodnotě 120 Kč za každý odpracovaný den.
  • Pokud by ses v rámci pracovního dne chtěl/a odreagovat, dochází k nám masér, nebo si můžeš s kolegy zahrát ping pong nebo stolní fotbal.
  • Pro sportovce pak máme i Multisport kartu.
Me interesa el puesto

Marketing Specialist

Warsaw, Polonia

Would you like to work in a successful and dynamic company that is growing rapidly in the long term and where you can expand your horizons every day? In a company that takes concern for its environment and ESG approach seriously? In short, the Accolade investment group is one such company that invests in modern, environmentally friendly industrial parks in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, and other European countries.  

We are looking for a Marketing Specialist to join our passionate and dedicated team in Warsaw for nearly 2 years employment contract with Accolade. This opportunity arises as we want to strenghten our marketing team with a project based position.. During this period, you'll have the chance to work on a variety of exciting and impactful projects in international environment. 

 What can you expect during this time: 

  • Innovative Projects
  • Dynamic Environment
  • Collaboration
  • Inspiration
  • Lots of office events

 We believe this contract period will be both rewarding and enriching, offering valuable experience and the opportunity to contribute to your ongoing success. 


What will be your role?

  • Plan, prepare and participate in corporate events (internal, external, for partners).
  • Plan and coordinate merchandising for business purposes. 
  • Plan and coordinate photo and video production – industrial parks, events, company premises, employees.
  • Prepare marketing content (for external and internal channels) and graphics (in cooperation with graphic studios).
  • Develop briefs and coordinate with agencies and suppliers.
  • Administration – manage marketing budgets, invoices, orders and payments process.
  • Data collection – working with Dynamics, selection/data for events, merchandising, other marketing purposes.
  • Ensure high-quality production and timely delivery. 
  • Work closely with colleagues in other branches.
  • Assist Associate Director Marketing and propose process improvements. 
  • Align activities with ESG values.


What experience and skills should you have?

  • Minimum 2-3 years of experience in marketing.  
  • Real Estate/Banking background will be an asset.
  • Advanced spoken and written English.  
  • Experience in planning and overseeing marketing spendings and budgets. 
  • Proven experience in executing marketing campaigns, including internal and external events, sponsorship, marketing content preparation, vendor coordination).
  • Advanced knowledge of PPP, practical Excel.
  • Passionate in ESG and new projects.
  • Be familiar with internal communication applications – intranet, CRM.

Even if it seems you do not meet our musts do not let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent. Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable. 


What can we offer you in return?

  • Interesting international projects, where you will be in direct contact with business people.
  • Responsibility for your agenda, and thanks to the dynamic environment and strong leadership, you will be able to advance and develop both professionally and personally.
  • We offer training in soft skills and hard skills, and the opportunity to attend various conferences.
  • Work in a friendly team. Our company culture is open, and everyone is on a first-name basis from day one. Throughout the year, we organize various company events and team-building activities to get to know each other better.
  • You will also have 2 Pro Health days, and the possibility to have 1 day of home office per week.
  • And because health is important for us, each employee has a private medical care „Lux Med“.
  • For your work, you will receive a laptop and a mobile phone with a selected phone plan.
  • If you get hungry, we have our snack program for you.
  • For athletes, we also offer a Multisport card.
  • If you want to relax during the workday you can play ping pong or table football and other games with your colleagues.
Me interesa el puesto

Digital Marketing Manager (Poland)

Warsaw, Polonia

We are an investment company that invests in the construction of modern industrial parks, which are home to world-renowned brands in the fields of e-commerce, automotive, and production 📈. Accolade Group creates new horizons not only in the realm of Real Estate but also in environmental sustainability. 🌱 Our portfolio already includes modern industrial parks in key areas in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, and Croatia. 🌏

Currently we are looking for a new colleague to join our marketing team, led by Eda Piňos, for the position of Digital Marketing Manager. If you have experience in digital marketing and you are interested in the area of investment and real estate, let us know! We would be happy to meet with you.


What can you expect from this role?

  • You will be our go-to-person for all things digital.
  • Work with our digital agencies to develop annual brand and performance campaigns that will be running in multiple countries across Europe.
  • Responsibility for our online presence ranging from display campaigns, PPC, social media, as well as our brand websites.
  • Opportunity to participate on the development of our CRM, provide deep data insights and work with available analytical tools.
  • Opportunity to innovate, participate in implementing automation and AI and be part of our overall digital transformation.
  • We are looking for someone to join either our Prague (CZ) or Warsaw (PL) office.


What experience and skills should you have?

  • Knowledge and familiarity with ad networks such Google Ads, Meta Ads, Google DV360, LinkedIn Ads and various programmatic and RTB platforms. 
  • You are no stranger to the social media landscape with primary focus on LinkedIn followed by X, Facebook, or Instagram.
  • Understanding of UX and managing the website conversion funnel.
  • You are on top of both inbound and outbound online content trends.
  • Experience in managing and communicating with agencies or an experience from a digital agency.
  • Analytical skills with the ability to navigate through tools such as Google Looker Studio, MS Power BI you can handle pivot tables. SQL knowledge is a plus.
  • Basic experience with CRM or CDP platforms, and you are willing to learn fast in this area.
  • English proficiency is a must.
  • Attention to detail and self-reliance is expected.


What can we offer you in return?

  • Interesting international projects, where you will be in direct contact with business people.
  • Stable job and responsibility for your agenda, and thanks to the dynamic environment and strong leadership, you will be able to advance and develop both professionally and personally.
  • We offer training in soft skills and hard skills, and the opportunity to attend various conferences.
  • Work in a friendly team. Our company culture is open, and everyone is on a first-name basis from day one. Throughout the year, we organize various company events and team-building activities to get to know each other better.
  • You will also have 25/26 days of vacation, 2 Pro Health days, and the possibility to have 1 day of home office per week.
  • And because health is important for us, each employee has a private medical care „Lux Med“.
  • For your work, you will receive a laptop and a mobile phone with a selected phone plan.
  • If you get hungry, we have our snack program for you.
  • For athletes, we also offer a Multisport card.
  • If you want to relax during the workday you can play ping pong or table football and other games with your colleagues.
Me interesa el puesto

Digital Marketing Manager (Czech Republic)

Prague, Chequia

Jsme investiční společnost, která investuje do výstavby moderních industriálních parků, které jsou domovem pro světové značky z oblasti e-commerce, automotive a production 📈 Skupina Accolade vytváří nové obzory nejen v oblasti Real Estate, ale také v udržitelnosti k životnímu prostředí. 🌱 Naše portfolio již zahrnuje moderní industriální parky v klíčových oblastech v České republice, Polsku, Německu, Nizozemí, na Slovensku, ve Španělsku a Chorvatsku. 🌏

Nyní do našeho marketingového týmu pod vedením Edy Piňose hledáme nového kolegu/yni na pozici Digital Marketing Manager. Pokud již máš za sebou zkušenosti v oblasti digitálního marketingu a láká tě oblast investic a real estate, dej nám o sobě vědět! Rádi se s tebou potkáme.


Jaká bude tvoje role?

  • Staneš se naší klíčovou osobou pro online svět.
  • Společně s agenturami budete spolupracovat na tvorbě ročních kampaní a strategií, které poběží v několika zemích Evropy.
  • Budeš mít na starosti naši celkovou online vizibilitu od kampaní, PPC, sociálních sítí až po naše webové stránky.
  • Zároveň se budeš moci zapojit také do vývoje našeho CRM a společně s tím pracovat s relevantními daty a dostupnými analytickými nástroji.
  • Dostaneš také příležitost podílet se na automatizaci a implementaci AI, budeš moci přicházet se svými nápady na nové inovace a být součástí celkové digitální transformace.
  • Hledáme někoho, kdo se k nám připojí buď do kanceláře v Praze (CZ) nebo Varšavě (PL).


Jaké znalosti a dovednosti bys měl/a mít?

  • Máš zkušenosti s platformami jako jsou Google Ads, Meta Ads, Google DV360, LinkedIn Ads a různými programatickými a RTB platformami.
  • Není ti cizí ani prostředí sociální sítí, především LinkedIn nebo také X, Facebook a Instagram.
  • Rozumíš UX a jak funkčním webem provést klienta až ke konverzi.
  • Sleduješ trendy a máš přehled v oblasti inbound a outbound online obsahu.
  • Máš zkušenost se spoluprací a komunikací s agenturami nebo jsi v minulosti pracoval/a v digitální agentuře.
  • Myslíš analyticky a dokážeš pracovat s nástroji jako jsou Google Looker Studio, MS Power BI a v Excelu si poradíš taky s kontingenčními tabulkami. Výhodou ti pak může být znalost SQL.
  • Máš základní zkušenost se CRMCDP platformami a rád/a by ses v této oblasti rozvíjel/a.
  • Dokážeš plynně komunikovat v angličtině.
  • Jsi zodpovědný/á a máš dobrý smysl pro detail.


Co ti můžeme nabídnout?

  • Budeš pracovat na zajímavých mezinárodních projektech, při kterých budeš v přímém kontaktu s byznysovými lidmi.
  • Získáš stabilní prácizodpovědnost za svou agendu a díky dynamickému prostředí a silnému leadershipu se budeš moci posouvat a rozvíjet profesně i osobně dál. 
  • Nabízíme jazykové kurzy, školení na soft skills i hard skills nebo možnost účastnit se různých konferencí.
  • Pracovat budeš v příjemném kolektivu. Naše firemní kultura je přátelská a od prvního dne si všichni tykáme. V rámci roku pak pořádáme různé firemní akce a teambuildingy, abychom se navzájem lépe poznali.
  • K dispozici budeš mít také 25 dní dovolené, 2 sick days a možnost home office 1x v týdnu.
  • Pro práci dostaneš také laptopmobilní telefon s vybraným tarifem.
  • Aby sis mohl/a dojít během dne na oběd, poskytujeme také stravenkovou kartu v hodnotě 120 Kč za každý odpracovaný den.
  • Pokud by ses v rámci pracovního dne chtěl/a odreagovat, dochází k nám masér, nebo si můžeš s kolegy zahrát ping pong nebo stolní fotbal.
  • Pro sportovce pak máme i Multisport kartu.
Me interesa el puesto

Junior Financial Analyst

Finance department
Warsawa, Polonia

Your responsibilites:

  • Providing financial and analytical support on a daily basis
  • Close cooperation with external accounting office and auditors
  • Support of vendor payments process
  • Support to reporting for management, investors and banks
  • Control of costs incurred versus applicable budgets and signed contracts
  • Supporting transaction closing and drawdown of capital
  • Participation to budgeting and forecasting
  • Updating cash flow projections
  • Support of quarterly investors NAV reporting
  • Cooperation with other departments and colleagues within the whole group
  • Other ad-hoc duties if requested

Our requirements:

  • Polish language - native speaker
  • English language - very good working knowledge (B2/C1)
  • University graduate, specialization in one of the following areas: Economics / Finance / Accounting
  • We appreciate an experience in financial analysis, reporting or accounting
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Excel
  • Full time position
  • Analytical approach, attention to details
  • Ability to draw conclusions from available data, logical thinking
  • Positive attitude, team player, motivated to learn and grow
  • Able to keep up-to-date knowledge of accounting and tax rules, improving their professional skills

What we offer:

  • 25/26 days of holiday & 2 Pro Health Day
  • Period of 3 months and then for an indefinite period
  • Modern office in Warsaw, WFC Building, 29th floor
  • Friendly team 39 collegues in Polish Team
  • Onbording in Prague
  • Chill room
  • Company events, interesting team-building activities (like: Halloween, Valentines Day, St Andrews, Summer Party and many many more)
  • Multisport card
  • Private medical care “Lux Med”
  • Laptop, 2 screens & mobile phone
  • Healthy snacks in the workplace
  • The possibility of growth and further education
  • Work on interesting projects, including foreign
Me interesa el puesto

Junior Project Manager - Energy

Energy Team
Prague, Chequia

We are looking for a Junior Energy Manager who shares the desire and enthusiasm to co-create the future of sustainable European business to join our young and friendly team. 

We can appreciate passion for work and success. But we know it’s not all about work – we care about the professional development of our employees, a healthy and pleasant working environment and atmosphere among colleagues. We want them to be happy in their work because that’s the only way to achieve truly great things.


  • Assistance to the senior project manager on project management of the implementation of PV installations at Accolade portfolio
  • Assistance on administration and management of Accolade PV installations at building/park level, communication with relevant authorities
  • Assistance on coordination/cooperation on financial/invoicing procedures with asset management team
  • Cooperation with ESG team regarding ESG and non-financial reporting and BREEAM requirements
  • Understanding the group`s strategy, objectives and tactical requirements

We require:

  • Construction or economic education
  • Interest in Real Estate and photovoltaic projects
  • Knowledge about building constriction/development
  • Driving license
  • Exceptional attention to detail
  • Proactive, energetic personality
  • High level of self- motivation

We offer:

  • Modern offices in the centre of Prague
  • Friendly team
  • 25 days of holiday
  • 2 sick days
  • Laptop and mobile phone
  • Company events, interesting teambuilding activities
  • Opportunity for further training
  • Multisport card and meal vouchers
Me interesa el puesto

Assistant for Land Development

Land Development
Prague, Chequia

Do you enjoy giving things a system and order, do you navigate well in unclear situations and prioritize easily? 

Do you like to find new solutions, support the team and save others time? 

When your colleagues are looking for a contract or other document, are you usually the first to know where to find it? 

If you answered 3 x YES, you can become part of our Land Development team where we are looking for a partner who will ensure the smooth running of the development department and save time for project managers... 


What you will be doing with us: 

  • Ensure the smooth running of the department
  • Complete contract documentation, record and file contracts
  • Contribute to project timelines - search contractual documentation for necessary information, enter it into the calendar, manage events and reminders
  • Manage and update data in the internal systém
  • Comply with internal administrative and operational processes, suggesting improvements where appropriate
  • Write applications and create other simple documents
  • Support project managers in searching and verifying information (cadastral maps, zoning plans, searching information in contracts, etc.)
  • Copy, scan
  • Manage and update directories
  • Manage and edit promotional material

 What we expect from you: 

  • Experience in a similar position - team assistant, filing, document management and filing, administration related to project management is a PLUS
  • Handling of routine operational and administrative activities
  • Logical thinking and independence
  • Resistance to stress and ability to prioritise
  • Good knowledge of English, especially for working with contractual documentation
  • IT skills - MS Office
  • If you are an active driver it is a big plus for you

 What do we offer?  

  • Although we are still growing, we strive to maintain a friendly and family atmosphere
  • We can offer you a beautiful view of Prague from our modern offices right next to the Florenc metro station with a terrace where we sometimes do BBQ
  • Indefinite period contract
  • 5 weeks of vacation
  • If you don't feel well, we have 2 sick days for you
  • A meal card with the amount of 120CZK for lunch or groceries every day
  • Because we care about healthy lifestyle, we contribute to Multisport card
  • Regular company events and teambuilding
  • Laptop, mobile phone
Me interesa el puesto

Junior Lawyer

Legal Department
Prague, Chequia

Are you interested in corporate law, real estate law or mergers and acquisitions? Are you a fresh graduate of the Faculty of Law in the Czech Republic and do you want to work on interesting projects? The Accolade investment group builds modern environmentally friendly industrial parks in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Spain and other European countries. We are looking for a colleague to join our enthusiastic and determined team, who shares the desire to co-create the future of sustainable European business, for the position of In-house Lawyer.

Your job responsibilities will include:
• Corporate management of companies in the group, GDPR agenda, ESG - setting internal processes and guidelines
• Preparation, assessment and commenting on contracts and other legal documents
• Support, advice and consultation with other company departments

Skills and requirements:
• University education in the master's study program at the Faculty of Law in the Czech Republic
• Excellent knowledge of Czech language and knowledge of English language at an advanced level (for the preparation of contractual documentation and for daily communication with colleagues)
• User knowledge of Office 365
• Proactive and hands-on approach with a problem-solving orientation
• Responsibility, independence, trustworthiness and diligence

What you get in return:
• 5 weeks vacation
• 2 days Sick Day
• Meal card (CZK 120 for each day worked)
• Multisport card contribution
• Own laptop, mobile phone including company tariff
• Friendly atmosphere
• Regular corporate events and teambuilding
• Office in the center of Prague at the metro station Florenc

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Law Student / Paralegal

Legal Department
Prague, Chequia

Are you a student at a Faculty of Law in the Czech Republic (2nd - 4th grade) and you still have no idea what area of law is your future? At Accolade, you will have the opportunity to try several of them (real estate law, banking and intragroup financing, corporate law, labor law, GDPR, ESG and others), but also get to know the functioning of an investment company that operates not only in the Czech Republic , but in several other European countries. Working with us is not only about long drafting and research, but about a great team and a friendly environment where you will have the opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills both in the legal field and, for example, in table football.

Your job responsibilities will include:
• Varied work with the possibility to concentrate more on what suits you and what you like
• Cooperation with external law firms
• Preparation and revision of basic legal documents – simple applications, powers of attorney, proposals for registers and cadastres, contracts and other documents; their correspondence and communication with authorities / courts
• Personal approach and the possibility of career growth and self-realization

Skills and requirements:
• Good knowledge of the English language (you will communicate with colleagues from other countries and check documentation in English)
• Ongoing studies at the Faculty of Law in the Czech Republic (minimum completion of the 1st grade)
• User knowledge of Office 365
• Availability 2-3 days a week

What would be your advantage:
• Experience from Law Office
• Proactive and practical approach with a problem-solving orientation
• Responsibility, independence, trustworthiness and diligence
• Knowledge of civil law, commercial law and real estate law

What you get in return:
• Friendly atmosphere
• Meal card (CZK 120 for each day worked)
• Regular corporate events and teambuildings
• Own laptop
• Contribution to Multisport card
• Ping pong, billiard, table football
• Office in the center of Prague at the metro station Florenc

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Project Manager

Development Department
Prague, Chequia

Accolade is an investment company that invests in modern industrial parks that are also environmentally friendly. We started our business in the Czech Republic, but we are constantly expanding and are now in Poland, Germany, Spain and other European countries. And we definitely have further ambitions! 

We are looking for a new colleague to join our Land Development team as a Project Manager. In this position, you will start as the right hand of the Senior Manager, helping with e.g. project management: from site searches, permitting processes to construction and handover to the tenant. As you gain experience, you will have the opportunity to lead your own projects from A to Z! 

What can you expect? 

  • Evaluating acquisition opportunities
  • Independent management of projects, including projects abroad
  • Conducting negotiations with all stakeholders (e.g. land owners, designers, technical supervisors, construction managers, government authorities, utility infrastructure managers, as well as top managers of our tenants)
  • Providing contractual documentation for the project
  • Preparation of project financial budgets, cost control and cooperation with the finance department in securing bank financing
  • Regular attendance at control days during construction

What should you already have? 

  • A university degree in economics or construction field
  • Native Czech, English at an advanced level
  • B driving licence
  • MS Office advanced level, knowledge of AutoCad is an advantage
  • Knowledge of spatial planning and construction law will be highly appreciated
  • Excellent negotiation skills, willingness to learn, proactive approach

What do we offer? 

  • Although we are still growing, we strive to maintain a friendly and family atmosphere
  • We can offer you a beautiful view of Prague from our modern offices right next to the Florenc metro station with a terrace where we sometimes do BBQ
  • Indefinite period contract
  • 5 weeks of vacation
  • If you don't feel well, we have 2 sick days for you
  • A meal card with the amount of 120CZK for lunch or groceries every day
  • Because we care about healthy lifestyle, we contribute to Multisport card
  • Regular company events and teambuilding
  • Laptop, mobile phone
Me interesa el puesto

Assistant – Asset Management Team

Asset Management
Warsaw, Polonia

A fast-growing industrial Real Estate company looking for an Assistant to the Asset Management department.

We are looking for an Assistant who has economic and real estate awareness and is interested to become part of the fastest growing industrial real estate company in Poland. The main objective of the role is to support the team of asset management.

Are you result focused? Are you a team player who can also work independently on own projects? Then this is the right opportunity for you.

Assistant – Asset Management Team

Your job responsibilities will include:

  • Support of day-to-day work of the Asset Management team and their projects
  • Assist with reports and other documents preparation, also with the budgets preparation
  • Liaise with the contractors/tenants in the assigned areas
  • Prepare and distribute meeting minutes
  • Undertake administrative tasks required for the daily running of the department, i.e. photocopying, filling, sending letters, etc.
  • Preparation of presentation or other documents required
  • Preparation required correspondence and its correct distribution
  • Maintain the diary and arrange appointments if necessary
  • Continuously develop market knowledge and terminology

Skills and requirements:

  • University degree
  • Good analytical and IT skills (excellent knowledge of Ms Office)
  • Advanced knowledge of English, native Polish
  • Ability to work under time pressure
  • 1 year  experience is a plus
  • Good communication skills, customer focus, accuracy, engagement

What you get in return:

We value our employees because they are the ones who create our values. We provide them with a healthy work environment and a wide range of benefits. See below what you can look forward to when working with us:

  • Interesting and diverse work in an ambitious team
  • Experience from a rapidly growing company operating in an attractive, competitive industry
  • The possibility of growth and further education
  • Financial remuneration corresponding to experience
  • Excellent office location in the center of Warsaw
  • Notebook, mobile phone and other company benefits
Me interesa el puesto

Project Finance Manager

Finance Department
Prague, Chequia

We are looking for a new colleague to join the Project Financing team. If you are interested in the Real Estate Market and have experience in project financing, then you are our man.

Project Finance Manager

Your job responsibilities will include:

  • Bank financing of the projects during development as well as investment phase
  • Initial review/preparation of the project budgets, communication with Developer
  • Preparation of bank drawdowns and respective info packages for the banks
  • Monitoring of bank covenants and reporting to the banks
  • Communication with external valuation experts and project monitors
  • Timely reporting to the banks and obtaining consents to distribute free cash from project companies on a quarterly basis
  • Preparation of cash flow models for individual projects for the purposes of bank financing
  • Preparation of the data needed for regular reporting (Fund NAV reporting, managerial reporting, statutory reporting, etc.)
  • Timely update of the portfolio data ("general overview", "financial overview", etc.) - this is very important for other teams that work with the data.

Skills and requirements:

  • A university degree in economics or law university
  • Experience in project financing from a bank is a big plus
  • Excellent communication and reasoning skills
  • Responsibility, independence, reliability
  • Native Czech speaker, communicative knowledge of EN
  • Knowledge of MS Office (advance skills in Excel) and Power BI is an advantage
  • Knowledge of real estate market

What you get in return:

We value our employees because they are the ones who create our values. We provide them with a healthy work environment and a wide range of benefits. See below what you can look forward to when working with us:

  • Work on interesting projects, including foreign ones
  • Responsible work in a dynamic field
  • Modern offices in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Friendly team
  • 25 days of holiday & 2 sick days
  • Company events, interesting team-building activities
  • Attractive bonus system
  • Possibility of further education
  • Multisport card and meal vouchers
  • Laptop and mobile phone
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