Do you know that today is World Bee Day? We do!

For centuries, bees have been one of the hardest working creatures on our planet, benefiting people, plants and the environment. We cannot live without bees – it would have far-reaching consequences for the entire ecosystem. Yet bees and other insects have been declining in recent years due to climate change and extreme drought. We are aware of this fact, and as a part of our ESG strategy, we do everything we can to make life easier for our tiny buzzing friends. Besides installing beehives on our industrial premises, we organized the event under the supervision of an experienced beekeeper Augustin Uváčik for children from the Josef Hlávka Primary School in Přeštice, West Bohemia. The event taught children important information about the life of bees and the importance of biodiversity. They even had the opportunity to put themselves in the shoes of professional beekeepers, trying on authentic equipment, such as a protective suit, a beekeeping hat and special gloves. As a bonus, they were able to taste honey directly from the bees. Who knows, maybe the little beekeepers will grow up to become real protectors of honey helpers. Bee cool and protect the bees!