The Green Deal is a big deal

It would be hard to find anyone in the European business world today who is not affected by the Green Deal. The 2050 date and associated commitment to carbon neutrality in Europe is a reoccurring topic for discussion. We were therefore very pleased to be invited to participate in the largest business conference in the Czech Republic on this subject, organised by Hospodářské noviny with the support of the European Commission and under the auspices of the Czech Republic.
We are proud to have our voice represented among the keynote speakers at the Green Money, Investments and Green Bonds panel by the Head of Business Development Tomáš Hanáček, who revealed to the conference guests how we approach environmental protection within the Group and how important the Green Deal is for companies, banks and capital market investors in general. During the debate, he also mentioned that, in his opinion, companies are still hampered by the complexity of integrating ecological processes: 'We still have a lot of work to do. In the coming years, it will be crucial to simplify administration and unify reporting processes across segments. This is the only way that companies will have the incentive to even increase their environmental awareness. Sustainable solutions are imperative for the future and Accolade is definitely not planning to ease off in their implementation.”