Q3 is over and here are the key #AccoladeIndustrialFund numbers 💎

Q3 is over and here are the key #AccoladeIndustrialFund numbers 💎

And we are very happy to see that despite the current economic situation, the fund continuesto grow📈. In the third quarter of this year its performance grew by 2.49% in Czech crownsand by 1.92% in euros. This is due, among other things, to increase of rent level and inflationclauses, which effectively counteract rising yields. The expansion of the portfolio by a total offour parks, namely one in the Czech Republic and three in Poland, and the achievement ofpassing the 1.5 million m² milestone, making it one of the largest funds in Central Europe, have certainly contributed to the fund’s healthy state. In addition, the acquisition of a firstproperty on the Iberian Peninsula, near Seville, is in the pipeline.

"We are fortunate to operate in the industrial, logistics, and e-commerce property segment, where vacancy rates are still extremely low. The market is responding to this by increasingrents, which are currently rising significantly, thus increasing the fund's returns on this type ofproperty," commented Milan Kratina, Accolade CEO, before adding: "A lot depends on theindividual fund and the strength of its portfolio of tenants as to whether they will be able to accept this new standard in the market. In the case of Accolade's portfolio, we see that ourtenants are doing well so far, no one is leaving, and 99.5% of leases are collected.”