Today is the Earth Day
It is our home, we should all paise it and learn how to take care of it…by the way, did you know that in 7 years you drink probably about 7.5 thousand liters of water, which could be the same amount consumed for a production of ONE pair of jeans. Shocking, right? Also, the plastic in textiles turns into microplastic, which ends up in soils, water and thus gets eaten by animals and ourselves! There are much more disturbing figures to be talked about. But mostly measures to be executed from all of us.

Results from academic studies show that textile reuse and recycling are more advantageous than incineration and landfilling. But still an issue. That is why we in Accolade decided to make another step towards a sustainable future and organized a textile collection: We joined forces on this initiative with VIVE Group, the leader of the textile recycling industry in Poland and Europe, within our partnership with Game4Planet project. The collection took place from April 2nd to 16th in Warsaw and Prague offices, as well as in Park Bydgoszcz I, II, III and IV. Altogether we gathered 368.8 kg of clothing and therefore avoided 819 kgCO2 - that's what 48 mature deciduous urban trees absorb over a period of 10 years.
Agnieszka Dziedzic, Marketing Director of VIVE Group, said: „We are delighted to be working with Accolade on the Game4Planet programme. There is no plan B for the Earth. Every step we take is to save our planet and we are happy that Accolade has chosen to work with us on this challenge. I believe that this is just the first chapter of our cooperation. And we will be working together every day for a better future of the Earth. Game4Planet is now. Will you join?”
Global theme for this year's Earth Day is Planet vs. Plastics. It unites students, parents, businesses, governments, churches, unions, individuals, and NGOs in an unwavering commitment to call for the end of plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of plastics by 2040 and an ultimate goal of building a plastic-free future for generations to come. You can also be a part of this. Please be mindful and recycle where possible.