First Phase of the Building for Tchibo: the Biggest New Industrial Building Built in Last Quarter 2016
The first phase of the building leased by Accolade to Tchibo in Panattoni Park Cheb was the largest industrial building newly completed in the Czech Republic in the last quarter of 2016. This follows from the data published by the Industrial Research Forum, an association that strives to provide the most precise data concerning developments in the warehousing and manufacturing property market in the Czech Republic.

The first phase of the building for Tchibo is 39,000 square metres in size. After completion of the second phase the total area of the Tchibo building will be 73,000 square metres and the building will be the second largest logistics building in the Czech Republic, next only to the Amazon Hall at Dobrovíz. The second phase of the construction will be completed in mid-2017.
Tchibo is the online market leader in the clothes category and is one of the major global coffee producers. In the first month after commissioning, the Cheb distribution centre will serve to store, sort, prepare, pack and distribute goods for the Czech market only. Later on the area served by the distribution centre will be expanded to the entire Central and Eastern Europe and the southern part of Germany. Up to 350 jobs will be created.