The old military area at Brno airport will get a brand-new face. Gathering place and aircraft beehives will be transformed into the modern DHL Express building.
After investments into safety and improvement of airport traffic infrastructure Accolade, owner of Brno Airport, brings another crucial investment into the modernization of the airport complex. To Brno comes DHL Express Company, which rented a modern hall with a total area of 3 700 m2 for its air transit zone. The construction, which should be completed in the first quarter of 2020, will be carried out by Panattoni.

The old military beehives for aircraft storage, notorious and unpopular army gathering place and unsightly pieces of reinforced concrete. There is end to all of that. Unused areas will get a new, modern look and role. Global logistics leader DHL, with its distribution subsidiary DHL Express, has chosen this location for its new cargo zone.
„After important investments into the functioning of the airport operations, we decided to continue in the modernization of the airport area also within air transport and logistics. People often do not realize, everything that is part of the airport complex and how long was this area neglected. There is huge historical debt towards this area and now it is time to repay it and create modern and attractive centrum for travellers, carriers and also for international leaseholders,”commented Milan Kratina, CEO Accolade and Chairman of the Board of Brno Airport a.s.
„As innovators in the field of brownfield transformation into modern industrial premises, we already revitalized all sorts of things in the Czech republic – trolleybus manufacturing factory, engineering plant and foundry. But military gathering place, oh, we have never done something like this before! We are looking forward to bringing another unused premise back to life and we are going to build a modern industrial building with minimal impact on the environment. Project is designed to meet with certification BREEAM newest standards,”stated Pavel Sovička, managing director Panattoni for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
„We need to keep up with the growing demand for fast delivering. The new zone in Brno is for us very ideal and even more, thanks to its strategic position convenient for South Moravia and Vysočina region. In Brno, we are also introducing a new system with modern grading line and sorting capacity of 4000 unit per hour. New transhipment point will facilitate fast and effective manipulation with containers for ground and air services and location on the airport opens new possibilities in the future,”stated Ing. Luděk Drnec managing director DHL Express (Czech Republic).
„I am glad, that the South Moravian region has in Accolade Company such a good partner, which is willing not just to administrate premises and estates of the airport complex, but even decided to cultivate and modernize them. The project reacts to current market demand but also revitalizes so far not an unutilized area with minimal impact on the environment. And this is the concept, which we as a progressive region definitely support,” added Bohumil Šimek, governor of the South Moravian region.