Accolade invested 30 million euros into the revitalization of an old factory in Czestochowa. Brownfield ratio on the polish market approached 50%.
Investments into the revitalization of old premises in modern industrial parks are the main domain for the Accolade group and it is no difference even in the case of their new investments into the park in polish Czestochowa. In the city, which is with its dominant Jasna Góra Monastery considered the most significant pilgrimage place in Poland, will rise, in the premises of the old factory, two brand new modern buildings in an area of 30 thousand m2. Total investment will surpass 30 mil. EUR (750 million Czech crowns) and its first tenants will be able to start using premises in February of upcoming year. By this project will the ratio of revitalized brownfields of the group in Poland increase up to 48.5%.

New industrial park will rise in the area of the old brownfield in a neighborhood of still functioning coke plant. Besides revitalization of already not used factory, this new building aims for evaluation BREEAM „Excellent“, which is considered one of the best awards which guarantee a high rate of thoughtfulness towards both environment and working conditions for employees, and energy self-sufficiency of the building.
„Total ratio of brownfields in our portfolio is about 40%. In Poland, we are thanks to the better-prepared legislation getting 50% and it makes me honestly really happy. In a long term it is not our goal to just increase the number of our parks but mainly to prepare quality projects which are going to help with the revitalization of old industrial areas and will bring them back to life,”commented Milan Kratina, CEO of Accolade.
The Queen of Poland, how it is called by believers, profits also from its strategic position, where is the imaginary center between Krakow, Wrocław and Warsaw. Support of infrastructure development with its linked investments backs also city officers and region, which except for direct support of newcomer investors actively works even on making their roads DK1 and DK46 of better quality, which together with other subsequent intersections (road S1, highway A1, A2 and A4) will take care of smooth transportation and fully function logistic complex.